Hi and welcome to my Blog.
Since starting this site I have been toying with the idea of starting a “BLOG” however being sixty three years old and not knowing too much about the wonderful world of bogging I have held back, until now!
Also a serious and regrettable lack of education tends to hold me back from putting things down in writing, I was sent to a boarding school age twelve and expelled aged fourteen, I was unable to spell my own name until I was sixteen and that dear readers is the some total of my education, now thanks to Microsoft Word (God bless you Bill Gates) I am able to do most things however the art of grammar and punctuation still elude me so please be a little forgiving and understanding, most of all, get over it, I have.
A number of things have happened recently that have made me think about getting this blog started.
The first being the incredible increase in “HITS” this site receives over the last three months.
It would be fair to say that if all the other UK based Historic and Vintage karting website got all their members to sign-in every day, combined those hits and then doubled that number they would still fall woefully short of the hits this site gets everyday.
The site provides me with a wonderful statistics page, I know which pages receive the most hits and which are the most popular search terms and an awful lot more besides, I get an increasing amount of messages via the “Contact” page and “We Buy Any Kart” page.
The content of these messages have caused me a great deal of concern, a good many want to know “What’s Gone On” others have said that the mere mentioning of my name gets them “Blackballed” and the other clubs secretary “Sméagol” becomes aggressive and threatening should my name be spoken in anything but hushed tones; come on guys! what are you, a bunch of “Nancy Buttercups” or what, don’t let this Arsehole intimidate you, you pay for your membership and have a right to ask questions, I intend to give you a list of question you should be asking so keep reading.
It is my intention to “Via” this blog to give you chapter and verse of the events leading to my resignation as founder and chairman of the club, I will not pull my punches or tell any lies, that kind of behaviour is best left to those COWARDS who would ban me from their Forums and deign me the right of reply and steal from me.
To those who will be wandering around the Pits muttering “We Will Sue Him” I say, “Bring It On” just one question for you “Who’s money will you be using Yours or the Members.
My first job is to sort out the photographic content on this site.
There are one or two problems with the site and I am hoping to lean on your expertise and willingness to help make this a better site for all.
I have acquired a large quantity of photographs from Mark Burgess of Karting Magazine fame, my aim is to up-load them to the site and add as much information as possible, my problems are many and varied.
The vast majority of photos have no information, those that have any information are few and far between
I need your help with identification of Drivers, Circuits, Dates, Nationalities etc.
During the months of July and August the page with the most HITS as been the “Maureen Magee Archive” I’m puzzled, I don’t have many pictures in this Archive, I do have more to add and will be doing this over the course of the winter months but I am left wondering who is so interested in this Archive, maybe Maureen’s brother Brian? Whoever it is please get in-touch, I could do with more information regarding Maureen and would like to up-date Her page, you can email me at my [email protected] address.
FYI, I am happy to supply copies of photograph FREE of Charge, well all most, you will be required to request them Via the forum, scary or what, watch out Sméagol’s about.
I have also had a message saying the scrolling massages and slide shows are slowing down some internet connections, I am happy to remove some but not all of the scrolling messages however the slideshows are another matter, the problem is, with so many pictures to up-load a Gallery format is not much of an option, some pages would be three miles long, I am willing to listen to what you have to say and take on board any suggestion but I must say that I created this site and up-loaded 99% of the content using a 3Mobil pay as you go dongle and had no problems also I live in Worcester which has a very poor internet service, please let me have you input on this and any suggestions you may have.
I will be informing you of the reasons the CIK think historic karting is to DANGEROUS to allow racing and why those CIK Suck-ups dropped racing without consulting it’s membership and who benefits, NOT THE MEMBERS that’s for sure.
I will tell you why the RetroRacer secretary Shafted me (Put the phone down on this BITCH and she will scratch your eyes out) and what’s going wrong with the race series and why some people “See No EVIDENCE” of a decline in historic gearbox karting, to quote the old proverb “There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See” incidentally twelve months after these Arseholes shafted me and stole the race series, they, through another (they really need to sack-up and grow a pair between them), asked me to return and run it for them, I said NO, they can’t be trusted.
Also the truth behind the Barkking thug and his daughter, what a pair of TWO FACED, LIEING, tuggers.
Enough for today, Wyatt
P.S. I do have a number of businesses to look after (Yes Bob more than one, you gossiping little shit) so I won't be making this my life’s work, I will do my best to up-date everyday but don’t be surprise if I don’t.
Since starting this site I have been toying with the idea of starting a “BLOG” however being sixty three years old and not knowing too much about the wonderful world of bogging I have held back, until now!
Also a serious and regrettable lack of education tends to hold me back from putting things down in writing, I was sent to a boarding school age twelve and expelled aged fourteen, I was unable to spell my own name until I was sixteen and that dear readers is the some total of my education, now thanks to Microsoft Word (God bless you Bill Gates) I am able to do most things however the art of grammar and punctuation still elude me so please be a little forgiving and understanding, most of all, get over it, I have.
A number of things have happened recently that have made me think about getting this blog started.
The first being the incredible increase in “HITS” this site receives over the last three months.
It would be fair to say that if all the other UK based Historic and Vintage karting website got all their members to sign-in every day, combined those hits and then doubled that number they would still fall woefully short of the hits this site gets everyday.
The site provides me with a wonderful statistics page, I know which pages receive the most hits and which are the most popular search terms and an awful lot more besides, I get an increasing amount of messages via the “Contact” page and “We Buy Any Kart” page.
The content of these messages have caused me a great deal of concern, a good many want to know “What’s Gone On” others have said that the mere mentioning of my name gets them “Blackballed” and the other clubs secretary “Sméagol” becomes aggressive and threatening should my name be spoken in anything but hushed tones; come on guys! what are you, a bunch of “Nancy Buttercups” or what, don’t let this Arsehole intimidate you, you pay for your membership and have a right to ask questions, I intend to give you a list of question you should be asking so keep reading.
It is my intention to “Via” this blog to give you chapter and verse of the events leading to my resignation as founder and chairman of the club, I will not pull my punches or tell any lies, that kind of behaviour is best left to those COWARDS who would ban me from their Forums and deign me the right of reply and steal from me.
To those who will be wandering around the Pits muttering “We Will Sue Him” I say, “Bring It On” just one question for you “Who’s money will you be using Yours or the Members.
My first job is to sort out the photographic content on this site.
There are one or two problems with the site and I am hoping to lean on your expertise and willingness to help make this a better site for all.
I have acquired a large quantity of photographs from Mark Burgess of Karting Magazine fame, my aim is to up-load them to the site and add as much information as possible, my problems are many and varied.
The vast majority of photos have no information, those that have any information are few and far between
I need your help with identification of Drivers, Circuits, Dates, Nationalities etc.
During the months of July and August the page with the most HITS as been the “Maureen Magee Archive” I’m puzzled, I don’t have many pictures in this Archive, I do have more to add and will be doing this over the course of the winter months but I am left wondering who is so interested in this Archive, maybe Maureen’s brother Brian? Whoever it is please get in-touch, I could do with more information regarding Maureen and would like to up-date Her page, you can email me at my [email protected] address.
FYI, I am happy to supply copies of photograph FREE of Charge, well all most, you will be required to request them Via the forum, scary or what, watch out Sméagol’s about.
I have also had a message saying the scrolling massages and slide shows are slowing down some internet connections, I am happy to remove some but not all of the scrolling messages however the slideshows are another matter, the problem is, with so many pictures to up-load a Gallery format is not much of an option, some pages would be three miles long, I am willing to listen to what you have to say and take on board any suggestion but I must say that I created this site and up-loaded 99% of the content using a 3Mobil pay as you go dongle and had no problems also I live in Worcester which has a very poor internet service, please let me have you input on this and any suggestions you may have.
I will be informing you of the reasons the CIK think historic karting is to DANGEROUS to allow racing and why those CIK Suck-ups dropped racing without consulting it’s membership and who benefits, NOT THE MEMBERS that’s for sure.
I will tell you why the RetroRacer secretary Shafted me (Put the phone down on this BITCH and she will scratch your eyes out) and what’s going wrong with the race series and why some people “See No EVIDENCE” of a decline in historic gearbox karting, to quote the old proverb “There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See” incidentally twelve months after these Arseholes shafted me and stole the race series, they, through another (they really need to sack-up and grow a pair between them), asked me to return and run it for them, I said NO, they can’t be trusted.
Also the truth behind the Barkking thug and his daughter, what a pair of TWO FACED, LIEING, tuggers.
Enough for today, Wyatt
P.S. I do have a number of businesses to look after (Yes Bob more than one, you gossiping little shit) so I won't be making this my life’s work, I will do my best to up-date everyday but don’t be surprise if I don’t.